Thursday, December 18, 2014

music project

I photographed a couple to show this main part of the song when she talks about how they got lost in their love. I edited this photo by making it black & white then i uploaded it to photoshop; I added my hand writing and some hand drawn hearts.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Portrait shoot

In this photo shoot I wanted to show Melissa's true personality & how she lights up a room.
I loved all the different angles I got at this shoot. I edited them all in lightroom using presets & deleting them on some parts. I really like how I cropped the last photo.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Connection to Place

I took all of these photographs at a beach in Half Moon Bay. I edited these with Lightroom & brightened the colors. I liked the blues being brighter and more poppy. This is the overall place.

This is the sound that I heard while I was at the beach, the waves continuously crashing against the beach & sand. I made this one very blue.

I loved these plants on the hill behind the beach & they were very pokey & sharp. I liked this point of view from on the hill. looking down at the beach but having it blurred out. 

This is a strong smell that I could smell around these plants. it was around the path to the beach. I made this one brighter and the purples darker so you can see the veins in the flower more.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

paper project

 I cropped this one so that it was more off to the right of the frame and so there wasn't as many distractions in the background. for these I just folded two papers accordion style & clipped them together to stay in a circle type shape. 

for this one I made it B&W and then made it so that just the right top corner wasn't as bright, that was where my main light was coming from. I also made it so that it has a grainy look to it, like film.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

studio shoot

I used Macro lighting, so up close. I used the two strip lights for that.
I learned how to photograph water and how to more quickly adjust the focus manually.

Monday, January 20, 2014

light final

If i let myself sink into depression. I won’t be able to get out. And then I’ll be awfully unhappy. I just have to turn my face to the light and walk on. And trust that things will be all right.
-Marianne Faithfull

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


i am forever grateful for the little ones in our live's. we are very blessed to have young children in our life's. we are experiencing life all over again when they com into our families & friend's life's. we can learn from them and their minds. it is a wonderful thing to have a baby in your heart & in your home.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Final Practice

"But, soft! What light through yonder window breaks?
It is the east, and Juliet is the sun."